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Cardone Grant: The 10X Rule / Правило в 10 раз больше

Модель: 887638070
205 сомони
Предзаказ 20 дней
While most people only work with three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're pursuing big goals, you don't want to settle for the usual. To move to the next level, it is necessary to understand the cherished 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also known as the 10 X rul...
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While most people only work with three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're pursuing big goals, you don't want to settle for the usual. To move to the next level, it is necessary to understand the cherished 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also known as the 10 X rule, is the level of action that guarantees companies and individuals the realization of their goals and dreams.

The 10 X Rule reveals the principle of "Mass Action", allowing you to break through business cliches and risk aversion, taking concrete steps to achieve your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to make the 10X rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do and how to monitor every action you take, with additional actions to achieve the results of Massive Action.

Study the "Effort Score" calculation to make sure you exceed your goals

Make the fourth degree a way of life and challenge mediocrity

Discover the myth of time management

Find out the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed

Know the exact formula for solving problems

Extraordinary success by definition goes beyond ordinary actions. Instead of behaving like everyone else and being content with average results, take massive measures with the 10 X rule, remove luck and randomness from your business equation and record a huge success.
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Кол-во страниц 256
Год издания 2023
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Cardone Grant